The wireless sensor network is an emerging technology that has numbers of applications including environmental monitoring, surveillance, biomedical systems and robotic exploration. Typically, the sensor nodes consist of a sensor(s) to monitor the surrounding environmental conditions, a processing unit and a transceiver unit to communicate with other nodes and an on board power supply. Reporting constant measurement updates of temperature incurs high communication costs for each node, resulting in a significant communication overhead and energy consumption. A solution to reduce power requirement is to transmit, among all constant data measured by the sensor, the transmitter transmits only one measurement and it becomes ON only when temperature changes occur. Wireless Sensor Node has also been designed and implemented using VHDL on Spartan 3 FPGA to exhibit the functionality of the node’s efficient transmitter and receiver before the actual deployment. This paper describes the implementation of a Run-Length data compression algorithm for WSN, on a Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA. A temperature sensor has been used to sense the atmospheric temperature which serves as an input to the transmitter via the microcontroller ATmega8L. It performs analog to digital conversion of the data sensed by the temperature sensor with the help of internal ADC. The digital data is transmitted after Run-Length Encoding Compression. The decompression takes place at the receiver node. The FPGA implementation of the system and the simulation results of all the modules have been presented.